Ellora above Niesen with Solothurn swans
Ellora above Niesen with Solothurn swans
Digital print, 500mm x 700mm

Voltaplatz Basel
Voltaplatz Basel
Digital print, 500mm x 700mm
This window is from a studio space called Bonjour Baby on Voltaplatz in Basel. I sat in this window for eight days and embroidered kaantha onto a recycled fabrics using DMC threads. I have photomontaged this photo with a street in basel and juxtaposed cows and pigeons and myself (timer selfie) amongst the unfolding scene on the street. Above on the billboard is a painting by Amrita Sher-gill (Self-Portrait as a Tahitian 1934). I often found great inspiration and strength from Sher-Gill’s art and achievements. I saw this painting for the first time at Documenta 14 in Kassel, Germany.